Season 3, Episode 3: Oppenheimer and Nuclear Anxiety

A dark orange sun sets on the ocean reminiscent of a nuclear mushroom cloud

image credit | Oscar Ävalos

Season 3, Episode 3: Oppenheimer and Nuclear-Anxiety

Thomas and Panu reflected on the recent Oppenheimer film, and how cold war-era fear and anxiety about global nuclear armageddon compares with contemporary fear and anxiety about the threats global climate change poses to society and the livability on our planet. Thomas spoke to the challenge of weighing the benefits of nuclear power as a strategy to help combat the climate crisis against the environmental dangers, ongoing dangers of nuclear conflict, and the still toxic legacy of radioactive waste from the construction of atomic weapons. Panu reflected on various forms of anxiety and other feelings these dilemmas inspire in us, including the “anxiety of responsibility” we feel about making decisions about them. 



[The Climate Change and Happiness Transcript is on holiday.]


Season 3, Episode 4: An Australian Climate and Emotions Perspective with Dr. Joëlle Gergis


Season 3, Episode 2: On Walk and Talk Therapy with Jennifer Udler